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Vision Engineering

NWGC has developed a unique and impactful system to support the engineering of your organization's vision implementation across departments and SBUs, based on work with corporations of different sizes including work with multinational giant Hyundai-Kia Motor Group.

Your organization's vision engineering project may consist of one or more of the elements below, and NWGC's experts are there to help you with any or all elements needed to create a successful engineered vision program, from stakeholder analysis to storytelling to organizational behavior assessments to video production.

This is a flagship offering at NWGC, and we guarantee results in terms of improved employee engagement and job satisfaction. Contact us today to schedule a free consult with Dr. Tim Veach to see what vision engineering would look like at your organization.

Vision Engineering Process...

Close Up on Eyes


Revise your organization's vision statement

Engineering the implementation of a vision, core values, and associated action items that help employees across your organization to internalize and act out the vision on a daily basis often starts with the revision and revitalization of the corporate vision.



Identify Core Values

A strong vision is supported by core values that reflect the organization's mission as well as stakeholder needs and expectations. A "value star" consisting of five clear, well-articulated, and purposeful core values can be a valuable guide for leadership and employees alike.

Image by Kid Circus


Action Items (To Dos)

A vision is engineered for internalization by all employees when a "to-do" list of clearly defined action items is established, reflecting the activities of employees across departments and SBUs, and showing a realistic model of living out the organization's vision every day in the workplace and beyond.


Stories (Living It Out)

The expression of the engineered vision is best reflected in the stories of diverse individuals within the organization, sharing in interactive video format what a particular core value means to them and how they live it out in the context of their work every day. These stories in video format give voice to the employees and create important connections between their work and the organization's vision.

Female influencer recording a video
Image by Carlos Muza


Internalization (Learning)

The culmination of the inputs and deliverables engaged through the work in Steps 1-4 is a training system that institutionalizes the internalization of the vision, core values, action items, and stories within a learning management system that is customized to the specific needs of diverse employees across the organization. This ensures the organizational alignment and long-term effectiveness of the engineered vision program.

Schedule a 1:1 visit or phone consultation with Dr. Tim Veach today to learn more about what a vision engineering program at your organization could look like!

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Northwest Global Connections, LLC [Portland, Oregon, USA]

NWGC is a manager owned and operated domestic LLC registered in the State of Oregon, USA in 2016

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